The Real Cost of Closing Day
Don’t let unexpected costs catch you off guard on closing day. Discover the essential closing day costs you need to know when buying or selling a property in Toronto.
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Unlocking the secrets to successful home buying
Don’t let unexpected costs catch you off guard on closing day. Discover the essential closing day costs you need to know when buying or selling a property in Toronto.
Read about the best practices for down payments in real estate transactions, from minimum requirements to sources of funds.
Toronto’s landscape is set for a transformative 2024 under Mayor Olivia Chow’s newly unveiled budget. A striking feature is the proposed 9.5% property tax increase.
Understand the complexities of land transfer tax in Toronto and learn how it differs from the rest of Ontario. Find out about tax rates, exemptions, and rebates.
Discover DoorScore: Revolutionize your real estate decisions with comprehensive property analysis. Visit doorscore.ca for your detailed score.
Recommendation’s like these are worth working for
Every client is offered a written guarantee of exceptional service or you can cancel with your initials.
My success with you is based on how much more I give you in value than receive in payment.
Know what happens before it happens. A good pre-emptive plan provides better results and certainty.
Price is just one aspect of an offer to purchase. There are a myriad of ways to enrich a deal for you.
My goal is to continually build your confidence in me and help you make prudent decisions.
My goal is to clearly explain and educate you on every aspect of contracts, forms and procedure.
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